ELC Global SL Statement - ELC original 01 copy - Accredited Educational and Language Coaching Academy

Efficient Language Coaching Global SL's thoughts and prayers are with all those caught up in the terrible war in Ukraine

Our entire team stands in support of all Neurolanguage Coaches, NeuroHeart Education Coaches and people worldwide who oppose and condemn this war, wherever they are located. It has truly devastated lives and our hearts are broken.

We have coaches based in countries all around the world, including Ukraine, and our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families. We know some of them have lost friends, lost family. We have lost contact with some of them and we hope and pray to be back in contact with them soon.

We oppose and condemn war in all countries and our thoughts and prayers extend to all those affected by conflict around the world.

Efficient Language Coaching Global SL is an education focussed company with a worldwide mission. A mission to help teachers worldwide enhance the learning process and shift education into the 21st Century. We are dedicated to education, learning, the sharing of knowledge, communication through language and ultimately the preparation of young people to be truly global citizens.

Our children deserve a better, peaceful world.

We believe now, more than ever, that these values and our mission is vitally important.

#neurolanguagecoaching #neurohearteducation #GlobalCommunity #humanity #unity #weareone #ourchildrendeservebetter

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